Background of ETI

A large number of successful Entrepreneurs in Ghana, Africa and across the world, whether in commerce, manufacturing, entertainment, religion, education etc. may only be responding to their innate abilities and a desire to achieve at the time they start their business operations.

The Entrepreneurship Training Institute (ETI) believes that this traditional view of entrepreneurship, which seeks to suggest, “Entrepreneurs are born and not made” is no longer tenable and that businesses, within the current global economic environment, cannot possibly continue to operate on the basis of “luck”.  The need for formal training in entrepreneurship therefore cannot be overlooked.

The Entrepreneurship Training Institute (ETI) was established as a Limited Liability Company and registered under the Companies Code 1963 (Act 179).

ETI began as an Association of Certified Entrepreneurs in 2005 with the main aim of bringing entrepreneurs together to share ideas, assist each other and offer further training for members who needed it. It was also to give a platform for Ghanaian entrepreneurs to share their opinions and views on national issues.

The Entrepreneurship Training Institute, in September 2007 was accredited by the National Accreditation Board and gained affiliation with the University of Education Winneba, and the University of Cape Coast that same year to ran tertiary programs.


The ETI recognizes that developing economies, such as that of Ghana, emphasize growth and expansion in private sector activities as a means of bringing about accelerated economic development needs to get the approach to business start-up, development, growth and management right.  This way, the risk of collapse after start up with its attendant loss of capital invested could be reduced.  It is the belief of ETI that this can only be achieved through provision of the requisite training skills.
The Vision is to nurture an environment for educating entrepreneurs in a University of Entrepreneurship Education (UEE) and provide purpose-driven education to develop human capital with entrepreneuring spirit.


ETI ( University College of Entrepreneurship), is committed to providing professional education in a variety of areas in entrepreneurship – at both the undergraduate and graduate levels – for those who have the necessary ability and motivation to benefit from high quality tertiary education;
Has the success of its students as its highest priority, emphasizing student learning, and encompassing admission to graduate study, employment, and job creation in a society and in globally interdependent communities; and
ETI is committed to advancing teaching, scholarship, creative endeavours, and service to the nation by supporting the activities of an outstanding faculty and staff.



Indeed its’ a great time to be part tertiary institution, committed in providing strategic leadership and excellence

guidance in teaching and service, where students can pursue knowledge without boundaries, a place where theory and practices combine to equipped the student, toward Nation Building, “Entrepreneurs are born and not made” is no longer tenable and that businesses, within the current global economic environment, cannot possibly continue to operate on the basis of “luck”.


Whether you are an undergraduate, or graduate student, the possibilities you have here are endless. The curriculum is designed and developed as a result of extensive research done by academic and industry experts and technical collaborations with leading education providers across the

You Welcome To E.T.I .





Mrs.  Christine Linda Addo-Akoma currently handles the office as Registrar. 

The main functions of the Registrar are

·    To serve in the matters dealing with students and student activities and their teaching and research activities and,

·    To assist the Rector in a wide variety of activities as per the strategic plan of the College.

The office works in oversight of student conduct, discipline, student support services and the academic programs in tandem with the Department Heads and three Faculties. The Registrar focuses on the academic environment as it relates to the internal and external planning and implementation. Offices under
the Registrar include office of the Admission & Registrations, General Administration and Human Resource Management.

 The office of the Registrar is supported by these Deputy & Assistant Registrars and Office Heads:

                  –   Deputy Registrar – HR     

                –  Assistant Registrar – Admissions.